About Us

Media Contacts

If you are a journalist interested in learning more about the effort to remove the lower four hydroelectric Klamath Dams you can contact the organizations below:

Supporting Orgs

Undamming the Klamath River has been a decades-long campaign supported by Tribes, organizations, and community activists. If you would like to join us in our campaign, you can express your organization’s support here.

Organizations that support Klamath Dam Removal

Karuk Tribe
Yurok Tribe
American Rivers
California Trout
Institute for Fisheries Resources
Pacific Federation of Fisherman's Association
Save California Salmon
Sustainable Northwest
Trout Unlimited
Fly Fishers International - Northern California Council
Native Fish Society
Salmon River Restoration Council
American Packrafting Association
American Whitewater
Cascadia Wildlands
Clean Water Action
Del Norte Climate Justice Alliance
International Rivers
Methow Valley Citizens Council
Milwaukee River Keeper
Natural History Museum
Northwest Environmental Advocates
Redwood Empire Trout Unlimited
South Yuba River Citizens League
The Conservation Angler
The Northcoast Environmental Center
Wespac Foundation